A List Of My Favourite Things

1.poetry because it heals the parts of me that I didn’t even know were broken. The parts I am ashamed to look at. I will set myself free to be unashamed in the next life. I’m always amazed at how soft and yet tough words can be to your soul

2.Agnes’s early morning laughs and giggles and rants about all the drama ensuing in the labs. I listen with intent because I know soon enough she will be done with her PHD and done with the drama. She’s always running late and I’m not a morning person but her joy awakens me and melts my heart

3.Your good morning messages asking me how I slept last night. Ihve never been the best sleeper, nothing to do with nightmares. Mostly anxiety and worry befriend at those hours. Trauma is also a constant companion, especially in the stillness of the morning. I receive these messages sporadically. I love them, if you must know. How it makes me smile to know that you think of me after a good night’s rest

4.Milkshakes . The sweeter the better. Salted Caramel, with double whipped cream and extra syrup and vanilla always understand how to cheer me up. It starts from my taste buds down to my heart. God’s second gift to earth

5.My Mum. An epitome of grace, unconditional love and courage. Courage to fight her way through life’s valleys and punches. Courage to swim in raging and engulfing oceans. She deserves more than she got and I will give her more

And finally

6.YOU. And just like that Ihve lost count. Yes, you are so soft and gentle and yet tough enough to break me. I’m always amazed at how soft and yet tough words can be to your soul. 


When Strangers Meet

when strangers meet 1.

So we just met. I’d like to think I said hie first. It’s unlike me. I’m the girl that shy’s away from any attempt to make a connection. This may never happen again. I’d never greet a stranger, unless of course my life was in danger. 

But I just did. You’re a stranger. 

It felt good hearing you say hi back. Thank you for smiling. I think I was already smiling a little bit too much. Could you tell I was half anxious, half excited and half surprised by my braveness, to speak with you. My smile was the furthest thing from sexy or flirty. Its very much like me. I completly failed to master this art of seduction. 

My smile was more of the “ohhh shit, why am I doing this. Don’t say anything stupid. Shit don’t come off as a weirdo Nat. Shit should I ease up now” kind of smile. I’m an over thinker. It runs deep in my veins. You’ll learn this about me as time goes on. 

You’re strong. And yet you gracefully take up space in the place you’re seated. I am sure being seen has never been a problem for you. Just as our conversation gets into motion, I know you’ll gracefully take up space here, in my place. Steadily my body betrays me. It leans into you, it smiles, it flips my wig,  it tilts my head, it squints my eyes and it lowers my voice. Things fall apart I guess. This is very much like me.

You’re strong. I’m not. You’ll learn this about as time goes on.

There is a really good energy between us. A magnetic pull I haven’t felt in years. I’m about to sound cliche. Energies don’t lie and I feel like I might have known you my whole life – isn’t that what the kids say? You’re easy. You’re funny. You’re light. I’m learning this about you as time goes on. 

You fiddle back and forth with your mask. Are you just as nervous as I am? Can you hear your heart pounding against your chest. Or am I overthinking this moment again. Your eyes stay steadily focused on me. They do not waiver. They ooze Godly warmth and kindness. I can’t help but smile even more. My body she is a traitor. This is very much like her. Is this what it feels like to be seen? At this point I’m sure you know- yes I’m a weirdo. But you’re a stranger whom I want to see again but may never have the second chance. 

We just met again. The chance was gifted to me. 

Sometimes I just smile for no reason at all. It’s nice hearing you talk. It’s nice hearing you rant about your job, about school and anything else you think is unfair on Gods earth. I hope I made you laugh. You made me laugh a lot. I hope you remember me.

Could you tell I wanted to stay a little longer. 

But we just met . 

And you’re a stranger. 

Here’s To Surviving The Bad Weeks!

bad week


Dear Reader,

Contrary to the popular saying Life is not a box of chocolates! Chocolates are always sweet and life isn’t. Life is more like a jar of some bitter sweet lemon juice. Some gulps of the lemon juice are sweeter and some gulps are bitter because of the lemon pulps that float about in the jar. You simply find yourself taking the gulps as they come.

In the month of July, I learnt and accepted that the things that happen to us 8 out of 10 times are never in our control. Our parents die, we get fired, our dogs fall ill and die, we get cheated on, we are lied to, we get robbed, our visas are denied, we experience miscarriages, we continue to face rejection and quite surprisingly we still have that desire and will to continue living just to see a better day!

This week I also learnt that bad things will happen to good people, people who are honest, honourable and righteous. But even when these things happen to us we now need to decide how we choose to mentally analyse, process and react to these bad things happening to you. My first initial reaction is always to cry, then the rest follows.

Quite frankly The last week of July was terrible to me. The things that happened to me this week made me feel small, alone and somewhat invisible to God. And yet me feeling this way doesn’t mean it is true because my feelings falter but the way God views us and loves us even in the bad weeks never falters.

So begun my week.


God woke me up.

And Immediately I just had a heavy and unsettling feeling. I wasn’t in tune with my body and mind. Something felt off, yet I couldn’t exactly Place my finger on what the problem. It was an eerie kind of feeling were you feel like something bad is pending. It was only the beginning of the week and my anxiety was off the chats! But I went on through out the day clinging onto anything that kept me from diving deeper into that dark web.

Suddenly At mid day, I received some disheartening news about something I was working towards and had been praying for. And just right then, that very moment is when the feeling stopped. Life served me the bitter pulps of the lemon juice.

Tuesday – we travelled out of the country and the atmosphere during the journey was sombre. It was saturated with frustration, anger and sadness because this news really broke me from the inside out.

Wednesday – Friday

We travel back into Zimbabwe. Nothing has changed. The same way we left the city is the same way we found it. It’s a dead dark and lifeless city, resembling just exactly how I was feeling the entire week. Still my heart continues bleeding, aching and trying to comphrehend how God seemingly and completely ignored our prayers.

To further add salt to the wounds, my amazing friend finally relocated back to his home city of Harare. Now the heaviness is doubled. We grew so close and shared almost everything together. I’m sad because his relocated so far away and I won’t see him as often as I did when he lived in Bulawayo. I’m sad because I have seen and witnessed what distance can do to even the tightest of friendships.

And so my week ends with 2 truths:

1.  God is still God even in the bad weeks.

  1.  Bad things happen to good, honest and faithful people


Remember you are never alone….

Love Nat


To The Men That Come And Go.


Today is regular Friday. And regular Fridays mean I’m indoors; comfortable and suited up in my bunny styled onesie. Regular Fridays are distinctly for catching up with all the New Amsterdam seasons’ episodes and I seriously do not want to be disturbed by anyone!

Peace and serenity.

Finally I’ve laid out all my snacks, according to my favourites, on the mahogany lounge table. Jelly babies first, smarties second then finally salted Lays. I strategically switch off some lights, leaving the lounge dimly lit. Let the romance begin. Then I’m warmly welcomed and embraced by the lush and bouncy sofa and within seconds we become one like lovers.

I press play.

“Arghhh unbelievable how hard Dr Max is working at the hospital when he is also battling cancer for pits sake.” I silently think to myself. Also if I was put in Dr Max’s situation would I have continued working as hard, or would I have stepped down to deal with the cancer. The series is only 10 minutes in and finally someone decides to abruptly disturb my serenity.


Ding ding, I know that sound. I hate that sound especially on regular Fridays. It’s my phone alerting me that I just received a message. “Who could this be?” I think to myself as I try to stretch my arm out for the phone. Ding Ding again! Arghhh that sound again, I murmur, rolling my eyes because I just cant seem to reach the phone and stay comfortable at the same time!

Alas Victory! I flip the phone to face me and I see the two messages that read “hey Nat, how’s your Friday going? “Sorry hope I am not disturbing was just thinking about you…a whole lot”

I wince my face in response, because yes nigga you are really disturbing my Regular Friday! I reckon his name is Munashe. It must be Munashe! Gosh I hope I am right because I ceased saving the numbers of these kinds of men, the men who came and went as they pleased!

Yet oddly enough I feel some kind of heavy obligation to entertain you, only because you were one of the nicer ones. But you, God and myself know that this conversation has already reached its dead end. This devious game of “lets play ghost” isn’t new to me, and losing to you and them has become so familiar.

So this is how the game normally begins:

  1. You start liking my tweets and commenting on my Instagram pictures. That’s how millennials let you know they are interested. You obviously try your very best to not seem like a creepy stalker and unfortunately I still think you’re a creepy but cute stalker.

I get the message.

  1. Finally you soldier up and send me a message in my DMs. It’s something corny and funny, that prompts me to respond. Welcome! I have been expecting you and your small talk! I never enjoy small talk; most times it’s so awkward and uncomfortable! But this is a good time to practise my patience and hope there is gold at the end of this rainbow. After a handful of chats, you ask for my number and I gladly give it you.
  2. We continue engaging in small talk for a day or two. Then finally I break the ice and ask you something more personal, like what you feel is your biggest flaw. I would normally never ever do this in a face-to-face conversation. But something about no eye contact, and no body language makes me at ease, makes me braver. You respond, truthfully I assume, but overtime I find out I was wrong about expecting the truth and realise that you can barely keep up with these lies.
  3. We never miss a day to talk. You’re the highlight of my days, and the best times for me , are the pillow talk hours, where we share a secret intimacy. But then I found out that right after our call you shared yourself with Her too. I only had a teaspoon taste of you and now I’m high of your drugs of lies and manipulation. You never were mine, but I realise how I was always an option.
  4. Then the glasshouse shutters! Gradually I hear from you less and less. The conversations become shorter and tedious. It doesn’t take me long to realise that you’ve lost interest. And it takes me longer to accept it. Now my heart is flooded with regret and disappointment. I wish you hadn’t grown onto me so quickly.

And finally after 3 weeks of not hearing from you, your messages pop up in my notifications on my Regular Friday. I have a million and a half questions to ask why you choose to be present for a couple of weeks and stone cold for the following weeks. Your inconsistency with me leaves me pondering on what exactly I could be lacking in order for you to choose me and stay. You’re not the first man to come and go, but Ive assured myself you will be the last.


So to the men who come and go

You must know now

I will not give you me

If it’s me that you want

  You will find God first

Then You will find me

You will come

And you will stay

Remember you are never alone

Love Nat



Do It For The gram- Unmasking the facade!


Façade – a deceptive outward appearance, pretentious, or fake.

It’s freezing. I mean almost about to snow freezing. Yet, fortunately, the chances of snow falling in Zimbabwe are close to zero. It never snows in hell. This brutal winter weather does no justice of deterring Gugu and her friends from partying all night. Its Gugu’s 25th birthday and she’s made sure she has the best time of her life, and most importantly that her 2 485 followers on Instagram see her living it up, and silently wishing they could be her that night. Well, this version of Gugu thats on parade tonight.

Finally the night is roaring in action, and the girls are painting the city of Queens and Kings red. Gugu is drowning in alcohol, drinking as if she had decided this was her last night living in this hell hole. This decision was a secret between herself and her God. This kind of appaling drinking wasn’t anything out of the norm to her friends, and the onlookers are rather thoroughly entertained by Gugu’s seductive and alluring dancing. Lights! Camera! Instagram! Gugu is  snapping every single detail of her night out and her followers are loving every second of it. The night is nothing short of spectacular from the smiles and the laughs, lavish cake and food platters, designer shoes and handbags, foreign bottles of alcohol, expensive cars and handsome men.

Gugu then decides to catch her breath and touch up her makeup. Finally she’s seated alone on the cold toilet floor, staring down into her Kors clutch bag where the little pink pills lay. She would swallow them and all the pain would cease. Her back is leaning against the cubicle door and the vomit is about to arrive. But it doesn’t, instead she attempts to muffle her screams by pressing her left palm over her beautifully pink stained lips. Within seconds following her screams, Gugu’s tears break free and flow down her coated face and her bedazzled neck. She is alone. The music too loud for anyone to rescue her, her Instagram followers already offline and her friends too drunk to notice she had been missing for an hour now.

This is what we don’t see.

We do not see Gugu’s sudden explosive emotional break down. We do not know that Gugu is severely depressed and suicidal, and wanted to end it all tonight because she was raped multiple times by her boyfriend and his friend. A man she loved, adored and trusted; yet his vile actions are the reasons why tonight she would live it up and finally end it. Don’t believe the hype around couples goals…

Quick disclaimer: This article is in no way meant to bash social media! Because I enjoy social media! Even on my loneliest nights I spend senseless hours glued to my phone, scrolling on my feed page and some of my ex boyfriends pages. I am as guilty and as addicted as everyone.

Its no secret that social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter are all enabling people in my generation to create alternative lives filled with lies. Big Fat Facades! Instagram, being the most popular, allows anyone to share their personal pictures and videos for different reasons, but mostly to brag! We brag about how “blessed” we are, what we ate for breakfast, where next we are vacationing and the juiciest brag of all – our newfound love interests. Then instagram allows you to share these moments with friends and enemies, who can then like your videos and pictures.

Presumably many of us have a love and hate relationship with Instagram. We love how much power we have to curate and narrate a picture perfect life, the kind of life we want to have but may not necessarily be living. We hate how easily addictive it is and how destructive Instagram can be on our self-esteem and mental health. The more hours you find yourself scrolling on the app, the more you will begin to compare yourself to these well curated and fake representations of people’s lives. The comparison drug will hastily get you into overdrive, thinking about how lame and uneventful your life may be when in reality what you see on Instagram is the furthest from the truth.

We wake up, log on and connect with strangers who only know us on a name basis, neglecting those people who really know and love us. We then post our glamorous and glossy pictures #Iwokeuplikethis , and impatiently wait for the likes to pour in. We mostly post the good and tidied up parts of our lives. The parts that make us more attractive, and better than the next person! Some people will even go to the extremes of hiring expensive luxurious items to show off on the gram! Most of us will go to any lengths necessary to create a false image of who we truly are and voila the façade is created. For most of us this is a slippery slope because we simply do not know when to stop comparing and competing with our peers. This immense pressure to look put together has left us drowning in a pot of misery.

Here are two examples to show you just how easy make believe can be!

  1. As this year unfolded I abruptly decided to find the closest barber and cut my hair. Just having survived a brutal mental breakdown, this emotionally drove me to chop off my lush Afro. My self-esteem tank was on zero and I was running on empty!

But a few weeks later, I pounced onto Instagram and gloated my new buzz cut. I captioned how liberating this change was and how I was feeling invincible, when a few days earlier I was drowning in my own tears! And yet I posted it, without hesitation, because I needed the compliments and the dosage of public validation to boost to my self-esteem. In hindsight public validation is lethal, it’s as sweet as sugar, but we all know that stolen sugar gives you the worst of tummy aches.

Unmasking The Façade: I pretended my new haircut was all for change and growth when in truth I was at my lowest point.

  1. An old friend consistently used to post his lavish nights out! He would not miss a heartbeat to show off his weekend on instagram. His stories were saturated with beautiful women, foreign cigars and enough alcohol to intoxicate a nation! His followers (i.e. strangers) would quickly assume and conclude that my friend was never in lack, and prescribed to an upper class lifestyle. This is because this is what we saw, this was what he showed us and made believe.

Unmasking The Façade: However when we sat down to chat he opened up about how he was stuck in a dark hole for months. He found no escape from the depression, and over drinking and smoking allowed him to numb the pain for a brief moment. He was broken inside, crying out for help and what we saw was him supposedly enjoying the best years of his life!

What you don’t get to see in these edited and filtered pictures is the failure, the constant rejections, the loneliness, the depression and the yearning to belong. Our rock bottom seasons are never publicly shared, always with the fear that these seasons of our lives would make us less appealing and invincible to our peers. What you will quickly understand about social media is that vulnerability in these public spaces is a big No.

We double tap those pictures without any hesitation. Yet in real life we have lost that ability to double tap love, appreciation, and encouragement into our friends and family’s lives. This is the kind of generation we are. A lost generation.

So next time you find yourself giving into temptation to do it for the gram, ask yourself why? What are you trying to prove and to whom exactly? Which ex do you want to make jealous? Ask yourself why exactly why am I doing this? The honest answer would shock you.

Put the mask down. Disconnect for some time. I promise you wont die!

Remember you’re never alone.

Love Nat



Are You Searching For You In Me?


Only your perfume scent lingers on my deep mahogany skin

It’s as sweet as my sugar on the good days

For a couple of days in the month

I sit still tracing your bites of passion on my neck, in between my thighs and on my favourite boob

You are yet to name her

Meanwhile your soft delicate fingerprints leave a trail on my lower back

And this trail will lead you back home to me


I feel you searching,

Your deep-set stares questioning our mystery

And fighting,


To find You in Me


Is it in the way I make you laugh?

Is it in the way I let you grab my hand and all my fears when we cross the street?

Or is it the peaceful silence where only our eyes speak

Or maybe its the way you gently press into me as we hug

Just long enough to let your soul respond to mine


It’s been years now

I have shared my hidden parts

Where only God knew

So I have to ask

Have you finally found You in Me?


Are we going to survive our 20’s? : Friendships and Relationships


tally marks 2

Dear Reader,

We are bravely marching on into the third month of 2019 and well my life has had a very low start! Basically I had proclaimed and spoken into existence that this is my year and great things were going to happen, some planned and some unplanned. Unfortunately, as we cruise into March, I have only had some disheartening and unplanned surprises.

To date I feel like I have lost more ground than gained any in terms of friendships and romantic relationships. Allow me to explain. Recently I had a heart-wrenching fall out with one of my closest friends, someone I truly love, respect and adore. I shared absolutely everything cool and gross about me with my friend. He took me as I was, sharpened me in my areas of weakness and constantly reminded me of my greatness. He constantly epitomised the phrase “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. We were inseparable up until a few weeks ago. Unfortunately a gruesome mistake was made on my end of the rope and as much as I tried to mend the broken trust and bond, I failed dismally. My old friend has terminated our friendship and for once in my life I had to respect his wishes and not fight it in anyway. To be frank, I haven’t slept in days, and between my fervent crying and binge eating, books and prayer keep me barely afloat.

Through losing so many friendships over the years, I’m beginning to digest the harsh reality that perhaps friendships in our twenties are temporary and seasonal. Life changes and events are constantly occurring at lightning rates, and anything struck by lightning rarely lives to see another sunrise. Seemingly no one in our age group is quite figured out yet, especially young Zimbabweans who are making migration plans seeking out stable and better futures for themselves. And because we aren’t quite settled and stable in our own lives, we find that this effect may also spill over into our friendships. With everyone going everywhere and with everyone doing everything, is it possible to build steady, reliable and fun friendships?

Am I insinuating that the geographical distance between friends is the only factor that determines the quality and longevity of friendships? Absolutely not ! But if we are honest, we cannot ignore the importance of spending quality time with a friend, which means you need to be in the same geographical location to spend weekends together doing activities you both enjoy. Friendships, as I am learning, require more than just whatsapp messages and face time video calls. There is always that unspoken longing to be in each other’s presence. To see each other, hug, laugh, smile and cry. Those are the moments where beautiful memories are created. Those are the memories that last well into our life-times.

Admittedly some old friendships in our twenties can also become unintentionally complex. I have experienced this in some of my old friendships. Sometimes, it can be really hard to let go of your childhood and high school friends. Yet the mere truth is that, as people we grow and evolve, this eventually leads us into out growing each other. When distance kicks in and out growing one another happens it sucks because the friendship is strained and suffers tremendously. Old friends are familiar, warm and above all comfortable and letting go of familiarity and comfort is terrifying. But it is necessary to love and let go especially when the run and season is over with that particular friend. My muddied twenties continually teach me that it’s good and necessary to let the dead friendships rest go in order to find new ones. You cannot grow new flowers where old dead ones still lay.

Relationships can also be a very complex issue for some twenty something’s such as myself. In trying to figure yourself out, trying to figure out what you want next in life and trying so hard to get over that one ex, the space to love and share yourself with someone else becomes limited. Its not that we don’t want to share our time and ourselves with potential partners, sometimes we just don’t know how to go about this, even if we tried. Another grating reality we face is that sometimes the person you are so interested in knowing does not even like you or have any intentions of pursuing you. *CHOKE* And this is such a vicious cycle because the person you are not interested in would be willing to move the ocean and sky to make you happy. I just recently pulled myself out of this cycle, barely alive, because all the energy I was using to get him to notice and like me I have decided to dedicate towards improving myself in all areas.

Fortunately and unfortunately I have been single for two years and counting. The first year of my singleness was very interesting because it was a dangerous and near fatal rollercoaster ride. I found myself desperately trying to convince my ex boyfriend we could still try one more time! The second year was when I had to face the rejection, take a step back and allow the healing to happen. And well now I wouldn’t say having companionship is major priority for me, but I do want to share myself with someone one good day.

My twenties so far have been filled with so many highs and lows. And sometimes my lows have really kept me down and under. And guess what that’s okay! Sometimes its necessary to take that time to wallow in the pits life dragged you into. It’s after the wallowing and mourning that you become ready to get out again, feel the sun on your face and keep trying. We all deserve to share ourselves and accept other people’s invitations to share their full lives with us.


Life is not making much sense at the moment.

It’s like a house on fire for most of us.

But even the fire cannot destroy the foundation.

You are the foundation and you will stand again.


Remember you are never alone
Love Nat

Almost Home


The very first time I heard your laugh,

I slowly gasped my next breath

And went dead quiet on the phone

Your repeated “helloes, hey Nat are you still there”

Let me know that you believed we had lost the connection

But I promise I was still connected


The bubbly and deep vibrations in your laugh

Made my eyes squint and prompted the first smile of my day

It’s in these unforgettable minutes and seconds I am reminded of Gods existence

It’s the warm base in your voice that gives me the rare kind of eruptive butterflies

The kind that only begin to fade when I lay my head to rest


Admittedly I am drawn to the God in you

The manner in which you chose to love, worship and honour Him

The manner in which that same love overflows and sips out from you into me

It’s in those unforgettable seconds and minutes

That I am reminded of Gods existence.


Instinctively I started making plans for us

But just a few nights ago

God laughed so hard it broke me.


You didn’t laugh much on our last call

Nor did I gasp, or squint or

Remember that God existed even in the silence

So we sat still and frozen in the dismal echoing silence

Loud Seconds ticking into minutes

And we both knew we had lost the connection.


I know now what I was afraid to ask

I know now that you are somebody’s someone

I know now that He proved his existence and brought love to you

And that you have found home

To me

You were almost home…